
Does Your Company’s Health Insurance Plan Include Independent Physician Practices?

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The health of your business relies heavily on the health of your employees.  When choosing a health insurance plan for your business, make sure that it provides the choice for your employees and their families to choose a doctor that they trust and can count on to provide the highest quality of care at an affordable price.

The Independent Doctors of Montana Network believes that Montana businesses and their employees deserve the option to choose a doctor or healthcare professional that best fits their healthcare needs and that they shouldn’t be restricted from seeing a doctor due to a healthcare plan that limits their choice and ability to actively participate in managing their health.

Like many Montana businesses along with their employees, Independent Physicians, Providers and Healthcare Professionals are invested in our communities. They play a vital role in the healthcare delivery system by supporting the healthcare needs of all our residents.

The Independent Doctors of Montana Network knows that “bigger isn’t always better,” and the effects of Hospital and Physician consolidation actually raises healthcare costs, reduces quality, decreases access, eliminates jobs and results in unnecessary tests and procedures. In addition, layers of administrative policy and personnel often drive many decisions that impact the quality of care you and your employees receive.

As Healthcare continues to change, one thing you can count on is that Independent Doctors, Providers and Healthcare Professionals are working harder than ever to provide the community with superior care,  taking the time to understand our patient’s needs, diagnose their illness or injury and work with them to come up with a treatment plan, all the while saving you time and money.

When it comes to your company’s health plan make sure it includes the choice to choose an Independent Doctor, Provider and Healthcare Professional, your employees will really appreciate it.


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Email: info@idomt.com

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Address: 4101 Ella Avenue
Great Falls, MT 59405

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